Disclosures in accordance with Art. 18 (2) MStV
Carpus+Partner AG
Forckenbeckstr. 61
52074 Aachen | Germany
Tel  +49 (241) 88 75-0
Fax  +49 (241) 88 75-190
Mail info@carpus.de

Represented by
M.Re. Dipl.-Ing. Architect Tobias Ell (Director)

Legal form
Non-listed joint stock corporation

Supervisory Board
Dieter Rehfeld (Vorsitzender), Alexandra Genten, Prof. Thomas Prefi

Responsible supervisory authorities
Hesse Chamber of Architects
NRW Chamber of Architects
Bavarian Chamber of Architects
Hesse Chamber of Engineers
NRW Chamber of Engineers Construction

Entry in the commercial register
Register Court: Aachen Local Court
Registration Number: HRB 10543

Sales tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 of the German Sales Tax Act

Regulated professional activity
The authorized submitters of planning documents are entered as architects in the List of Architects of the Hesse Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners, the NRW Chamber of Architects and the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, as well as engineers in the Hesse Chamber of Engineers and the NRW Chamber of Engineers – Construction. The job titles of architect and Dipl.-Ing. were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Professional regulations
Hessian Act for Architects and Urban Planners, Main Statute of the Hesse Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners, Advanced Training Ordinance, Arbitration Ordinance. The professional regulations can be viewed on the website of the Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners (www.akh.de/service/recht).

North Rhine-Westphalian Architects’ Law, Main Statutes of the NRW Chamber of Architects, Advance Training Ordinance, Arbitration Ordinance. The professional regulations can be viewed on the website of the Chamber of Architects (www.aknw.de/mitglieder/recht-und-gesetze).

Bavarian Architects’ Law, Main Statutes of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, Advance Training Ordinance, Arbitration Ordinance. The professional regulations can be viewed on the website of the Chamber of Architects (www.byak.de/planen-und-bauen/recht-und-berufspraxis).

Hessian Engineers Act, Main Statutes of the Hesse Chamber of Engineers, Advanced Training Ordinance, Arbitration Ordinance. The professional regulations can be viewed and retrieved on the website of the Chamber of Engineers (www.ingkh.de) under the “Recht” section.

North Rhine-Westphalian Engineers’ Law, Main Statutes of the NRW Chamber of Architects, Advance Training Ordinance, Arbitration Ordinance. The professional regulations can be viewed and retrieved on the website of the Chamber of Engineers (www.ikbaunrw.de/kammer/recht).

Responsible for the content in accordance with Art. 18 Subsection 2 MStV
M.Re. Dipl.-Ing. Architect Tobias Ell
Forckenbeckstr. 61
52074 Aachen | Germany

Press and Public Relations
Claudia Hunger

Online communication
Anja Henn


Source: STEIN & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte mbB